Friday 31 August 2012

5 Ways Of Dealing With Acne Scarring

5 Ways Of Dealing With Acne Scarring

Acne scarring is one of the most damaging effects of acne. Click on the link above and discover 5 effective ways of dealing this problem. Since one of the best things that can be done for acne skin is scar removal,

5 Reasons Your Acne Home Remedies May Not Work

5 Reasons Your Acne Home Remedies May Not Work

Check out this link to a great article that I have written. I'm sure that you will find it interesting.

Saturday 18 August 2012

5 Reasons Why You Are Suffering From Acne

Although the actual cause of acne is unknown, there are a number of factors that are deemed causative agents, hence there are broadly referred to as the causes of acne and these are the reasons why you have this common skin condition known as acne. The following 5 factors are the common reasons for the development of acne in individuals.
1. Hormones, unlike what you have been told your acne may not necessarily be as a result of poor hygiene, or overexposure to the harsh elements or not using a specific topical cream. In most cases the cause of acne is purely as a result of a hormonal imbalance that results in over production of oils. Now the body produces oils readily in our sebaceous glands. This oil is essential for the lubrication of the skin and hair (grown in the hair follicles). When hormonal imbalances occur due to puberty, stress or other environmental or biological factors, the sebaceous / fat glands produce sebum in excess overwhelming the pore thus preventing the adequate release in a timely manner. In essence what happens is that more oils or fat is produced than is being released through the pore resulting in a build up inside the pores that results in acne or the black head that we squeeze out of the our skin.

2. Poor Hygiene- Now this is not to contradict the first point but to mention that in the absence of a hormonal problem the other most common problem that also cause acne is not being hygienic. The talk of poor hygiene in this case refers to a poor method of facial cleansing. Acne may result when we fail to slough away the dead skin particularly on areas that are prone to acne such as the face, the back and the chest. This dead skin if allowed to be left on our skin clogs or blocks the pore, preventing oil or fat (produced our sebaceous gland) from escaping out to do its job of lubricating the skin. The fat remains in our pores and result in the swollen appearance that we characterize as acne.

3. Over cleansing the importance of this point is to ensure that you strike balance between proper cleaning and over cleansing. Scrubbing the skin usually our face aggravates the skin intensifying the problem, hence you notice although you embark on a rigid regimen of scrubbing your face the acne persists or gets worst. When we over cleanse we run the risk of rupturing the skin exposing it to bacterial infection. Resulting in what is seen as acne ‘break out’.

4. Medication- certain medications are known to have a number of side effects but acne can be a side effect of many medication use. Although this is not a main cause of acne, it has been found to be a causative factor but ones intolerance to specific medication can be determined by investigation with the assistance of a medical practitioner this problem would be effectively managed. 

5. Genetics Studies have shown that teenagers with acne have a family history of this condition either one or both of their parents have reported to suffer from this skin condition in the past or at present.
There you have it 5 reasons why you are suffering from acne. What is important to note however is that regardless of the reason, there are numerous methods and products that are proven to offer relief.