Thursday 31 May 2012

Welcome to Kiss Acne Goodbye Now

Welcome to the blog totally dedicated to getting rid of acne one person at time. Kiss Acne Goodbye is a one stop blog geared at looking at a holistic approach to treating acne. Now i know you have no doubt come across numerous sites, blogs, articles etc that promise to treat acne once and for all just to realize that none of the methods really work or if they have worked foe someone you have not seen the benefits of the remedies working for you. The problem with those sites is that they have a 'one remedy fits all' kind of approach. and the problem with that of course is that every one's skin is different hence treating acne should be targeted to each person individually. This realization i came to in my quest to treat my own acne problems. With this in mind I decided to create a blog to give information on how to as i call it, kiss acne goodbye. The information here would be targeted to your individuals uniqueness as it relates to skin types and preferences and well as type of acne you may have.

Many persons try to get rid of their acne without even being aware as to the type of acne they have, no wonder treating acne seems to be an up hill battle. When you are aware as to the type of problem you have you are better able to target treatment to your specific acne, and this is one of the fundamental factor to effectively managing acne. but have no fear if you don't know what type of acne you are suffering from you have come to the right place. Because this blog will keep you informed in every aspect of acne and acne management, from learning the types of acne that exist, being able to help you decide the types you have, to methods of tackling your individual acne problem head on. 
what is also encouraged is a participatory interaction, so that you could tell of how successful the methods and information that are obtained from this blog have been in treating this problem that we all have experienced sometime in our lives or are presently experiencing